Thursday, November 26, 2020

Art Colouring Book.

LI: To experiment with colours


`This morning we tried one of this year’s Kick Start Summer Learning Journey activities. The purpose of this task was to experiment with colours by mixing colours from the original palette with pop colours. This allowed us to recolour famous painting or images of landmarks around the world.This painting is called Woman combing her hair by Goyo Hashiguchi.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Te Whanau Raukura Performance


Today a kapa haka group was performaning in our school and they performaned from Te Whanau Raukura and how they used Taiaha, Poi and Te rakau to explain the meaning behind elements of the Maori culture. I really like how they dance and how they sing the maori song and my favourite part is how they do the haka and how they shout the words and we were very glad to see them and we were very nice to see them performance in our school.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Exploring our national current events

 LI: To identify author’s purpose.

Authors write for a purpose (reason). These reasons are to persuade, inform or entertain (PIE). Each day, newspaper editors around the world must make desicions about which stories they will run. We explored the different types of current events that are happening in New Zealand, thought about why the story made the news and plotted the location on a google map.

Provocation: Should masks be compulsory on NZ public transport?

 LI: To identify and consider the two perspectives of this provocation to help me form an opinion?

A provocation is an action or speech that triggers strong feelings about a topic. Today we considered both sides of the provocation, ‘Should masks be compulsory on NZ public transport?’ We then used that infomration to help us form an opinion that we could justify with evidence. The thing I found interesting is that Michal Baker is on Tv every morning

Weighty Challenge

  L.I: Is to find the most efficient strategy to find the answer

This term for week 5 we were getting into more challenging questions in maths. We had a variety of questions that tested our skills on how to work with other people we dont normally work with. We were in separate groups that had a maximum of 7 people. Our groups had to work collaboratively together to find the answer to a problem or give feedback to our group. The thing that I really liked about this weeks maths is how i got to work with new people that I know i work really well with now. It also gave me an opportunity to work with new people other then my friends.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Main Idea/Embarrassment

  L.I To find out the main idea 

This DLO is about the Main Ideas in the book this book is called the Embarrassment poem. I worked with Akuhata. We needed to read the book twice to find out the main details that will help others and yourself understand the main Idea. As you can see in this DLO that we think that the MAIN IDEA is knowing how to handle Embarrassment. Working with my friends was really fun and enjoying because we shared our ideas and we were collaborating,working as a team. The thing that i liked about this poem is how it tell us the secret to not be embarrassment like for an example you can jest laugh
it all out till the people that is laughing at you has left.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Guy fawkes

LI: To use the words you highlighted to help you summerise the story behind fire works night.

This week we have been leaning with the year 4, We were leaning about the real story about fireworks.What we had to do is lessen to hear the important words to write on out piece on paper.After that we had to write a summery about guy Fawkes. We had to write 20 words, 6 most words, and also make  a sentence using the  the 6 most words.