Thursday, September 24, 2020

Wise choices explanation

 LI: To write an explanation.

Why it is important to make wise


How many times have you dropped plastic on the ground?

Because people are being careless, sea animals are getting sick or dying from eating plastic. When people don’t put their plastic in the bin it will go down our drains and end up in the ocean.

Sea animals eat the plastic because they think it is food. This can be very harmful to them. An example of this is if a turtle swallows a plastic bag it could stop them from breathing or being able to eat, then they may end up dying.

We can all help to stop this problem getting worse by making sure we put our plastic rubbish in the bin.

This week we wrote an explanation about Why it is important to make wise choices.
My explanation is about the problems caused by plastic pollution. I think we all need to make sure that we do the right thing and put our plastic rubbish in the bin to keep our oceans clean and our sea creatures safe.

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